Tom Nicholson:

For a foreigner living in Lithuania is one thing – but setting up a business there is an entirely different proposition. There is a whole different set of rules to learn, inconsistencies to understand and ‘shortcuts’ to master.

Over the past few months that I have begun setting up my own business here, I have felt the high and lows that any entrepreneur would feel, coupled with the immense satisfaction and incredible frustration that is achieved in doing that on foreign soil.
I have met many people in the course of my business, in the few short months I have been on this journey. I came to the conclusion, businesses in Lithuania fall into two broad categories. The first type is the mature more established businesses, where the answers would often be ‘No’, or ‘why?’ No free thinking or spontaneity or willingness to consider unusual requests. But the other category is the new, younger businesses that appear to be popping up everywhere. The companies that say, ‘yes we can’ and ‘why the hell not?’ ‘How about this as well.?’ Having come across too many of the first type of businesses, I became despondent – how could I get anything done? But looking harder I found there are some amazing businesses in Lithuania, run by amazing and forward thinking people and I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know. Life is too short to do business with people you don’t like – so search for the people you do!

So, last year when considering business plans, I decided to produce pizza. A brave move, maybe? Lietuva seems so saturated with pizza. Whilst on holiday in Italy, Beata and I consistently ate amazing pizzas, even in the most simple places and we started to wonder how and why this taste was absent in Lithuania. Well I decided to bring a new quality of pizza to Lithuania and to serve it in a unique way. I decided, don’t let the people come to the pizza, lets take pizza to the people! And so the idea of selling authentic Neapolitan pizza from mobile wood fired ovens was born.

I spent the next half a year researching all about pizza and how to make the quality product that will be differentiated from the commercial chain brands. I travelled to Napoli, the birthplace of pizza to learn from the real pizza masters. I travelled all over the UK to learn how to cook pizza from mobile ovens. Then I brought this knowledge back and started to figure out how this would work in LT.

Our pizzas are served with a slow risen dough, which is much more digestable than a regular one. It has a light fluffy texture and a satisfying crisp in the bite and uses a fraction of the yeast a regular pizza uses – all better for you tummy. They are cooked in traditional wood fired ovens at temperatures of upto 500’C, which gives the pizza flavours and textures a regular oven just cannot produce. The pizzas even cook in just 60 seconds – a truly wonderous sight to behold; dough, cheese and tomato go into the oven and literally before your eyes it turns into a steaming bubbling aromatic pizza!


Our ovens are truly portable. We can take them literally almost anywhere. In the garden, terrace, forest, beach, roof top, car park, only confined by your imagination. This year the ovens will be available for private catering at events, parties and weddings, childrens birthday parties and we will be at public events too.

And our name? Well its Jurgis ir Drakonas – we are making pizzas for real heroes! My son Jurgis is very proud of the name. The dragon represents the fire. We hope that one day it can turn into a restaurant so that we can spread even more of the fun of Jurgis ir Drakonas.

Jurgis ir drakonas

This weekend we will be participating in Kaziuko Muge, and we will be located on Pilies Gatve. We will be serving pizzas from our wood fired ovens all day, so please do come down and say hello! The ingredients are all sourced in Italy, like the Bufala mozzeralla from Campania that we use on all our pizzas, and look out for our spicy Italian sausage, Nduja pizza – its got a real kick! We also do an amazing margherita and a sweet chocolate pizza that should really be illegal! All pizzas are served with a smile so I look forward to meeting you!

O dabar, jums pageidaujant, vertimas į gimtąją kalbą:

For a foreigner living in Lithuania is one thing – but setting up a business there is an entirely different proposition. There is a whole different set of rules to learn, inconsistencies to understand and ‘shortcuts’ to master.

Over the past few months that I have begun setting up my own business here, I have felt the high and lows that any entrepreneur would feel, coupled with the immense satisfaction and incredible frustration that is achieved in doing that on foreign soil.
I have met many people in the course of my business, in the few short months I have been on this journey. I came to the conclusion, businesses in Lithuania fall into two broad categories. The first type is the mature more established businesses, where the answers would often be ‘No’, or ‘why?’ No free thinking or spontaneity or willingness to consider unusual requests. But the other category is the new, younger businesses that appear to be popping up everywhere. The companies that say, ‘yes we can’ and ‘why the hell not?’ ‘How about this as well.?’ Having come across too many of the first type of businesses, I became despondent – how could I get anything done? But looking harder I found there are some amazing businesses in Lithuania, run by amazing and forward thinking people and I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know. Life is too short to do business with people you don’t like – so search for the people you do!

So, last year when considering business plans, I decided to produce pizza. A brave move, maybe? Lietuva seems so saturated with pizza. Whilst on holiday in Italy, Beata and I consistently ate amazing pizzas, even in the most simple places and we started to wonder how and why this taste was absent in Lithuania. Well I decided to bring a new quality of pizza to Lithuania and to serve it in a unique way. I decided, don’t let the people come to the pizza, lets take pizza to the people! And so the idea of selling authentic Neapolitan pizza from mobile wood fired ovens was born.

I spent the next half a year researching all about pizza and how to make the quality product that will be differentiated from the commercial chain brands. I travelled to Napoli, the birthplace of pizza to learn from the real pizza masters. I travelled all over the UK to learn how to cook pizza from mobile ovens. Then I brought this knowledge back and started to figure out how this would work in LT.

Our pizzas are served with a slow risen dough, which is much more digestable than a regular one. It has a light fluffy texture and a satisfying crisp in the bite and uses a fraction of the yeast a regular pizza uses – all better for you tummy. They are cooked in traditional wood fired ovens at temperatures of upto 500’C, which gives the pizza flavours and textures a regular oven just cannot produce. The pizzas even cook in just 60 seconds – a truly wonderous sight to behold; dough, cheese and tomato go into the oven and literally before your eyes it turns into a steaming bubbling aromatic pizza!


Our ovens are truly portable. We can take them literally almost anywhere. In the garden, terrace, forest, beach, roof top, car park, only confined by your imagination. This year the ovens will be available for private catering at events, parties and weddings, childrens birthday parties and we will be at public events too.

And our name? Well its Jurgis ir Drakonas – we are making pizzas for real heroes! My son Jurgis is very proud of the name. The dragon represents the fire. We hope that one day it can turn into a restaurant so that we can spread even more of the fun of Jurgis ir Drakonas.

This weekend we will be participating in Kaziuko Muge, and we will be located on Pilies Gatve. We will be serving pizzas from our wood fired ovens all day, so please do come down and say hello! The ingredients are all sourced in Italy, like the Bufala mozzeralla from Campania that we use on all our pizzas, and look out for our spicy Italian sausage, Nduja pizza – its got a real kick! We also do an amazing margherita and a sweet chocolate pizza that should really be illegal! All pizzas are served with a smile so I look forward to meeting you!



Viena yra užsieniečiui apsigyventi Lietuvoje, tačiau visai kas kita – pradėti čia verslą. Man teko susipažinti su visiškai naujomis taisyklėmis, suvokti ir perprasti įvairius iš pirmo žvilgsnio nesuderinamus dalykus ir išmokti juos apeiti.

Per paskutinius keletą mėnesių, kuomet pradėjau kurti nuosavą verslą, jau patyriau pakilimų ir nuopuolių, su kuriais susiduria kiekvienas verslininkas. Verslo kūrimas ne gimtojoje šalyje tikrai leidžia patirti ir didžiulį pasitenkinimą, ir milžinišką nusivylimą.

Per keletą trumpų mano verslininkavimo mėnesių sutikau daug žmonių ir padariau išvadą, kad verslas Lietuvoje gali būti skirstomas į dvi kategorijas. Pirmasis tipas yra brandūs ir įsitvirtinę verslai, kur atsakymai į klausimus dažniausiai būna „Ne“ arba „O kam?“. Jokio laisvo mąstymo, spontaniškumo, ar noro atlikti nestandartinius užsakymus. Kita kategorija yra nauji, jauni verslai, kurie dabar visur dygsta kaip grybai po lietaus. Įmonės, kurios sako „Taip, mes galim“, „O kodėl gi ne?“, „O gal dar ir šitaip pabandom?“. Susitikęs su pernelyg daug pirmojo tipo verslininkų aš nusiminiau – kaip galima iš vis ką nors padaryti? Bet ilgiau paieškojus atradau, kad Lietuvoje yra ir tikrai puikių įmonių, valdomų nerealių ir apie ateitį mąstančių žmonių. Gyvenimas yra per trumpas, kad darytum verslą su žmonėmis, kurie tau nepatinka. Siūlau į tai atsižvelgti.

Praėjusiais metais svarstydamas verslo planą nusprendžiau kepti picas. Drąsus ėjimas? Galbūt. Lietuva atrodo užversta picomis. Tačiau atostogų metu keliaudami po Italiją ir valgydami nerealaus skonio picas net paprasčiausiose užeigėlėse mes su Beata pradėjome stebėtis, kodėl šio skonio nėra Lietuvoje. Taip aš nusprendžiau į Lietuvą atgabenti naujos kokybės picas ir pateikti jas unikaliai. Pagalvojau, o kodėl žmonės turi ieškoti picų, juk picos gali pačios atkeliauti pas juos.  Taip ir užgimė idėja pardavinėti autentiškas neapolietiškas picas, iškeptas mobiliose malkomis kūrenamose krosnyse.

Kitą pusmetį praleidau rinkdamas informaciją apie picas ir kaip sukurti kokybišką produktą, kuris skirtųsi nuo picų, kepamų picerijų tinkluose. Nuvažiavau į Neapolį, picos gimtinę, kad pasimokyčiau iš tikrų picos kepimo meistrų. Taip pat apkeliavau visą Jungtinę Karalystę siekdamas išmokti kepti picą mobiliose krosnyse. Tuomet su visa šia patirtimi pradėjo ryškėti vizija, kaip visa tai veiks Lietuvoje.

Mūsų picos yra kepamos iš lėtai kildintos tešlos, kuri yra daug lengviau virškinama, nei standartinė. Jos tekstūra yra puri, o iškepus būna malonaus traškumo. Picos kepamos tradicinėse medžiu kūrenamose krosnyse, kurios įkaista iki 500 laipsnių, taip suteikdamos picoms unikalų skonį ir tekstūrą, kurių standartinės krosnys negali išgauti. Picos iškepa per 60 sekundžių – nuostabus reginys jūsų akims; tešla, sūris, pomidorai keliauja į krosnį ir prieš jūsų akis virsta garuojančia, burbuliuojančia aromatinga pica!

Mūsų krosnys yra mobilios tikrąja to žodžio prasme. Mes galime jas pristatyti beveik visur. Į sodą, terasą, mišką, paplūdimį, automobilių aikštelę ar ant stogo, kur leidžia jūsų vaizduotė. Šiais metais krosnys jau galės atvykti į privačius vakarėlius, vestuves, vaikų gimtadienius ar kitokius renginius, taip pat dalyvausime ir viešuose renginiuose.

Mūsų pavadinimas? Taip, tai „Jurgis ir drakonas“ – mes gaminame picas tikriems didvyriams! Mano sūnus Jurgis labai didžiuojasi šiuo pavadinimu. Drakonas simbolizuoja ugnį. Tikimės, kad vieną dieną ši veikla pavirs į restoraną ir mes galėsime dar plačiau dalintis „Jurgio ir Drakono“ linksmybėmis.

Šį savaitgalį dalyvausime Vilniaus Kaziuko mugėje ir kepsime picas Pilies gatvėje visą dieną, tad ateikite pasisveikinti!

Visi picų ingredientai yra iš Italijos, pvz., Bufala mozzarella iš Kampanijos, kurią naudojame ant visų savo picų. Ir atsargiai su aštriąja itališka dešra Nduja picoje, ji – tikrai rimtas išbandymas jūsų gomuriui. Mes taip pat kepsime nerealią „Margaritą“ bei saldžią šokoladinę picą, kuri iš tikrųjų tokia skani, kad turėtų būti uždrausta. Visos picos kepamos su šypsena, o aš nekantraudamas laukiu susitikimo su jumis.

  1. Brilliant idea Tom 🙂 and there will be a reason why I go to Kaziuko muge this weekend! You start on Friday or Saturday?

  2. Wow!! Cool idea! I could imagine this portable pizza oven in any park like Barnandinai on summer evening… mmm.. I want pizza:)))

  3. Hey hey hey, I’m so glad to know the fact the pizza like in Italy’s going to be served in Lithuania!! When I saw the pic on Facebook with Margaretha and Tom I was thinking: „Where could I taste this????” Now I know it’s new business of lovely Beata’s husband. I’m so exited! So, see you on Kaziuko mugė.

  4. Kaip gaila,kad tekstas anglų kalba.Juk ne visi mokam ją.Ypač vyresnės kartos žmonės.O taip norėjosi paskaityti…

  5. Congratulations 🙂 amazing and original idea for LT 🙂 I wish you the very best of luck with your fun business 🙂

  6. Dear Tomas and Your lovely team,
    Congratulations and its great idea and specially then You doing food with passion 🙂 Just few years all my family came back to Lithuania after ten years in Ireland and believe me its still challenge sometimes for us to settle. Wish you all great success in future, specially then You have so much support 🙂

  7. jezus komentatoriai, geriau rasykit lietuviskai, net keista desimt metu ir sitiek klaidu. o tomas maladec, kas nesuprato, tomas sugalvojo kepti picas vat tose krosnelese kur nuotraukoj. ideju semesi neapolyje, kur ir yra picu gimtine. kuo didziausios sekmes! jei bus kokybe – bus ir klientu 😉

  8. It’s great that both Tom and Beata are into food/catering business. You can help and promote each other. I won’t be at Kaziuko muge this week-end but, hopefully, there will be other opportunities to taste your pizza.

  9. malacius tomas 🙂 sekmes jam dideliausios ir dar daugiau kantrybes 🙂 te sypsena nupabega nuo veidelio 🙂

  10. Amasing! Great idea! How&Where could I order portable pizza for my son’s birthday? Beata, parašykite, prašau, kaip užsisakyti . Ačiū.

  11. Sveiki,
    ragavome visas 3 picas per Kaziuka! laukeme ilgoje eileje , bet nenusivyleme, tikrai skonis super!!!sveikinam, puiki ideja!

  12. Buvome su vaiku „Jurgis ir drakonas”, isikurusiame salia Pegaso knygyno Akropoly. Uzsukau tik siaip – kazkur nutupt reikejo vaikui tyreles sumaitint. Uzsisakiau pica. Ir jau benesant is tolo buvau maloniai nustebinta vaizdo, is arciau – kvapo, o kai tik pirmas kasnis atsidure burnoj, mintyse dziugiai suspurdo – „lyyygiai kaip Neapolyyy!!!” Grizusi namo emiau ieskoti info internete is kur tas Jurgis su drakonu isdygo.. Na va, ir suzinjau 😀 Isties, pagaliau pagaliau Lietuvoje atsirado TIKRA PICA. Aciu jums, kad atsiradot, kad atvezet i Lietuva Italijos kvapa ir prisiminimus 😉 Gyvuokit! Sekmes jums!

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